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The HomeLINK App for Residents

Empowering residents to take control of their home's indoor environment

Here’s what residents say

We’re all set up, and even my 13 yr old checks on it daily

Pilot Participant

I’m enjoying using the app, our house seems to be smiling all the time just now, even when we shower or are cooking. Will be interested to see what happens when winter approaches.

Pilot Participant

My house icon – at the top of the new home screen –  (I think of it as my house rather than your icon) is green and it is animated.  I like that the colour green shows everything is good and the capitals ‘HAPPY’ make me feel happy and proud.

Pilot Participant

We bought a condenser dryer in November and I wondered if that would make a difference so today I’ve checked and we’ve now got a happy home, the airer only gets used now for clothes I can’t pop in the dryer.

Anonymous Resident

It shows Poplar HARCA are a responsible landlord because they are looking after their residents.

Anonymous Poplar HARCA Resident

Stirling Council believes that resident engagement via the HomeLINK Resident App is integral. Alexa, their Transformation Lead has said it is a pivotal part of the connected homes project succeeding “…because if you haven’t gotten engagement with your tenants if you can’t share information if they haven’t got the power to use that data themselves, I think what you’re trying to do to help them because part of this is about self-help… I think you would struggle to sell the concept“.

Alexa, Transformation Lead at Stirling

Decided that I will have to turn the extractor fan on in the bathroom occasionally as Linky seems to be always ‘sad’ – Humidity is too high!

Pilot Participant

I used to fall asleep in the front room, as I suffer from sleep apnea but now I know if I’m going to fall asleep I’ll open the window or garden door. I know what to do now and am not worried about falling asleep now.

Anonymous Poplar HARCA Resident

We bought a condenser dryer in November and I wondered if that would make a difference so today I’ve checked and we’ve now got a happy home, the airer only gets used now for clothes I can’t pop in the dryer 😀

Anonymous Resident

I like looking at the CO2 sensor for the living room… So I know to open the window and can see it go down. Temperature and humidity are useful too.

Anonymous Poplar HARCA Resident

Reduce Call-outs & Prevent Issues from Beginning or Deteriorating

Let the HomeLINK App take the first step in the defence against an issue. Mould risk? Indoor air pollution? Too hot or too cold? The app will warn residents when something’s amiss and conditions aren’t optimal within their homes.

Residents will also receive tailored recommendations, advising them on how to remedy issues or incorporate preventative maintenance solutions, to stop issues from occurring in the first place. No more need for inspection visits followed by calls and advisory letters!

Improved Health & Safety of Home & Residents

From alarm testing reminders to notifications when the air is affecting your residents’ decision-making skills – the App was built with their health and safety in mind.

Implementing the HomeLINK solution across your housing portfolio means taking the first step in bettering resident-landlord relationships and providing a method of care and risk management to ensure a safe and healthy home.

Empowering Residents to Take Control of the Health of their Homes

Besides helpful tips and advice on how to better their living environment, the Resident App also helps by providing extra information including why this is important or what could happen if they didn’t act.

Equipping residents with knowledge and awareness – paired with reminder notifications, personalised data and insights – is key in the fight against issues such as fuel poverty, damp and mould, fire risk and more.

Interested in the HomeLINK Connected Home Solution?

Get in touch with one of our experts to find out more.

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