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National Social Housing Safety & Compliance Week 2022

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National Social Housing Safety and Compliance Week is an annual event, dedicated to shining a spotlight on safety and compliance at an operational, strategic, and cultural level.

It’s clear that the will and vision for change exist: in the five years since the Grenfell disaster, the sector has made progress.

However, transformational change is needed to make this vision a reality.  This vital transformational change will take some time, but we passionately believe we must all take responsibility to avert potential disasters of the future by committing to small and large actions today and tomorrow.

For the safety of residents and support of safety and compliance professionals and their organisations, join us in challenging for safety to support 2022 National Social Housing Safety and Compliance Week.

Not only will you be paying tribute to those involved with or affected by the Grenfell tragedy, but you will help shape the future roadmap.

Together, we can help shift learning, leadership and culture around safety – to move beyond compliance.   This is our opportunity to start a national conversation about our shared goal: safer homes.

Demonstrate your support for Challenge for Safety!

Event Details

Start Date
7 March 2022
End Date
11 March 2022
CORGI Technical Services
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