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Careers at Aico

At Aico, we offer a variety of opportunities to start or progress your career, from work experience and apprenticeships to full time roles, explore what is right for you.

Find a career that matters to you

At Aico, we want you to be a part of our story. We hire individuals with a range of skills, experience levels and qualifications, offering opportunities in a range of departments.

  • Relationship Managers
  • Customer Service
  • I.T. & Data
  • Operations
  • Marketing
  • Technical
  • Finance
Careers Areas

It’s not all work and no play

Our colleagues contributed to the selection of various wellbeing facilities at our Headquarters in Oswestry, Shropshire. We have a fully-equipped indoor gym, featuring cardio equipment, weight machines and free weights, as well as a fitness studio for exercise classes. For those who want to take time away from their desks during their break times, we have a 600m trim trail for outdoor physical activity, as well as a relaxation room with mood lighting, a games room, canteen and seating areas in our 4-acre grounds.

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About Aico

Aico, an Ei Company, is the European market leader in domestic Fire and Carbon Monoxide (CO) protection, pioneering new technologies and offering high quality alarms designed, developed and manufactured at our factory in Shannon, Ireland. Aico alarms meet all UK standards with a wide range of sensor types to ensure every home is protected, and we offer expert technical support and advice on alarm selection, siting and installation as well as personalised specification documents and a dedicated installer training scheme, Expert Installer. We also work alongside Local Authorities and Housing Associations to create bespoke specifications and solutions to help create safer environments for tenants.

In 2020, we expanded our Connected Home offering with the acquisition of leading Internet of Things (IoT) solutions provider, HomeLINK. HomeLINK is a multi-award-winning high-tech business that leverages cutting edge smart home integration and analytics technologies to address the needs of social landlords and their residents.

AccountabilityAirplane all_in_onearrow_downArrow Left Arrow Right audiobattery bedroom-fill bedroom bell blocks book_open books bulb calendar-time calendar cart Error circle-validclock cloud-upload cloud comments crossdata_download detectorsdining-room-fill document download-thin download exclamation filter fire-cloud firegarage-fill garagegatewayGroup-385guaranteegw-dashboard-red gw-doc-red gw-notifications-red gw-property gw-reduce gw-smartlink-red gw-time-red gw-wifi-red hallway-fill hallwayshand-heart hash headset hobicon-digital icon-easi-fit icon-sensor icon-switch icon-wireless infokey kitchen-fill kitchenlanding-fill landingslaptop launch living-room-fill living-roomloan-2 loan location-crosshairlocation-pin loft-fill loftmicrobiology mould_preventionnetwork no-cable opening_times opening-times Passionpeople phone-call Phone play position-pin pound-sign power presentation preventative_maintenancereading real-estate residentsretrofit_validationSafer-Communitiessalary savings search sensor settings-1 settings Share-Geniusshare sheild shield single-position smoke-alarm social_facebooksocial_googleplussocial_instagramsocial_linkedin_altsocial_linkedinsocial_pinterestsocial-share social-tiktoklogo-twitter-glyph-32social-xsocial-youtube spanner stairstail-left tail-right Team-Workticktrash Trustupdate-phone user verified warning-sign wifi-protected