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Aico support local gift appeals

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
22nd December 2020

This Christmas, Aico have supported two Oswestry gift collections in aid of those that have had an especially difficult year, children and the elderly.

Stephanie Draper of Oswestry wanted to support the children in the local area to make sure they get the best Christmas possible. She took to Facebook to make a plea for people to help out with donations to provide as many children as possible with presents.

Aico were made aware of this initiative were happy to help, placing a gift collection box in the reception area of their headquarters. Aico colleagues were mindful of the difficult year it has been for many families and were able to fill 2 large boxes of toys, books, craft items and more. Stephanie’s initiative along with widespread local support meant that the children that would otherwise go without, will have something lovely to open this Christmas.

Stephanie Draper comments “I started the gift collection because it has been a difficult and challenging year and more families than ever before are really struggling. The thought of a child having no presents and the guilt and pain this must cause a parent is heart-wrenching, so I wanted to do something to make it easier on people. The support from local people and businesses has blown me away, I did not expect it to ever become this big, it’s been absolutely amazing and everyone’s generosity has meant we have been able to help a lot more children than I ever thought possible.”

Qube, Oswestry is a charity that works to service the needs of the local community. In normal circumstances they run operations from their creative centre, delivering art, wellbeing, and transport services for their older age group members.

Qube contacted Aico detailing their plan to support the elderly this year, providing those that would normally not receive any gifts with something to open on Christmas day. It is apparent that this age group have had an extremely difficult year, being isolated and unable to see their families. Unfortunately, this is still the case for some at Christmas time so in a bid to bring some festive cheer, Aico colleagues were able to fill up a box with gifts, from festive biscuits and fuzzy socks, to jigsaws and much more to be distributed out to the elderly and vulnerable ready for Christmas day.

Lily Ellis, Community Liaison at Aico said “Hearing about these two gift initiatives, we thought Aico had to get involved to support the children and older community around Oswestry. It is evident that both of these groups have already had a troubling year, which shouldn’t have to continue at Christmas.

It was amazing to see so many colleagues rise to the occasion and include a children’s book or a hat and scarf set in with their shopping, ready to add to the donation boxes. Hopefully, our donations, along with others from the local community and businesses will mean that everyone has something to open on Christmas Day, ending this year on a more positive note.”

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