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Excitement builds for our Masquerade Ball

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
26th July 2018


Masks at the ready…Aico, an Ei Company are hosting a Charity Masquerade Ball in partnership with The Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) at the Lion Quays Hotel and Spa in Oswestry on Saturday 22nd September.

The Electrical Industries Charity brings industries together to provide support, via financial relief and practical support services to people and their immediate families who have worked or are working in the electrical related industries. The EIC also works in partnership with other charities such as The National Autistic Society and Macmillan.

The dress code for the evening will be formal with a prize for the best mask. Tickets for the Charity Masquerade Ball include an impressive package of:

  • Welcome drink
  • 3 Course dinner
  • Live entertainment
  • A prize for best mask
  • Fantastic prizes on offer for a Silent auction and Raffle

Tickets for this highly anticipated Masquerade ball can be purchased from Aico by telephoning 01691 664100 or emailing

Aico, is an Ei Company are a market leader in domestic CO and fire protection, pioneering new technologies and offering high quality smoke and Carbon Monoxide alarms.

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