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Aico and the EIC join forces to support the understanding of mental health awareness

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
14th November 2019

Aico and the Electrical Industries Charity (EIC) are joining forces to help educate and increase understanding of mental health awareness.


Aico will be taking to the road with its mobile demonstration unit and visiting Bradford to provide a much-needed resource and support for the EIC. This will be with a view to coming back in 2020 with a comprehensive calendar of mental health awareness training sessions, working in partnership with Aico’s Expert Installer Training Scheme.


Aico is joining the revolution and supporting the EIC to raise awareness around mental health. There are many reasons why mental health training is so important, these include ensuring that you have a healthier workplace, improvement of staff morale and an increase in staff engagement and commitment.


The sessions are designed to give an understanding of what mental health is and how to challenge the stigma. The sessions will provide a basic knowledge of some common mental health issues, give confidence to support someone who is in distress and educate regarding how to look after your own mental health.


For over 100 years the EIC have recognised that providing individuals with access to the right support is the catalyst for creating better workplaces and industry communities. The EIC’s vision is to be the leading provider offering preventative and high impact solutions, genuinely meeting the wellbeing needs of the electrical and energy industries.


Aico are proud to be supporting the work of the EIC and have provided support for the charity for a number of years, including raising money via charity events such as the Aico Masquerade Ball, Powerball’s and Big Build Project.

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