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Aico volunteer at pioneering rehabilitation facility Willowdene Rehabilitation

Aico volunteer at Willowdene
Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
6th July 2020

Located in the heart of West Mercia, Willowdene Rehabilitation provides an inclusive, safe environment where men and women can identify, acknowledge and tackle the issues of their past to understand their present and build their future. Aico have been supporting Willowdene throughout the year and will continue during 2020 and beyond.


Aico recognised that the current climate has significantly impacted Willowdene and that staff are under increasing pressure. Aico colleagues split into two teams across two days to provide some practical, hands-on support.


The volunteers assisted with a range of social enterprise activities including, landscaping, outdoor maintenance, resurfacing and painting and decorating at the 200-acre site. As a fully functioning training facility, Willowdene Rehabilitation provides students with a wide range of opportunities, experience and insight into farming, livestock, horticulture and maintenance and therefore relies on the input of staff and students on a daily basis. With the effects of the pandemic taking a significant toll on the facility, Aico staff members utilised their community support days to volunteer.


Dr Matthew Home, Director of Willowdene Rehabilitation commented “I am delighted that Aico is supporting Willowdene. Aico’s support will make a significant difference to students accessing our service, many of whom face multiple issues in life, including substance misuse, domestic abuse, unemployment, mental health challenges and restricted education. We are pleased to be providing life-changing interventions through the support generously offered by Aico”.


To find out more about Willowdene Rehabilitation and the incredible work they carry out, please visit

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