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Productive week for the Aico in the Community Team

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
16th July 2018

The Aico in the Community team recently supported two local community events in the Oswestry area.

On Tuesday 3rd July 2018 students attended a Safety Product and Marketing Strategy session at North Shropshire College’s, Walford campus. The session was run as part of National Citizen Services Summer Sessions. Jo White Aico’s Marketing Manager jointly ran the sessions with North Shropshire College’s (NSC) Assistant Principal Karen Roberts, where they gave students an insight into Aico’s products, why and how to use a marketing strategy.

Within groups the students created their own outstanding safety products, a winning group was chosen along with a runner-up and third place. All the prizes were donated by Aico and presented by Jo and Karen. This was just one of many educational sessions Aico are looking forward to supporting over the summer. Jo White commented “The National Citizenship Service Summer Programme enables young people to gain key skills, which will help build there resilience and confidence levels and prepare students for their future education and the world of work”.

Following on from this Emma Ferguson, a member of our Aico in the Community team attended Footsteps Nursery, Oswestry to take part in their 2018 leaver’s event on Thursday 5th July 2018. Aico were the proud sponsors of the nursery leavers hooded tops that were presented to the children enjoying their last day of nursery before moving on to Primary School.

Aico, an Ei Company is a UK market leader in Smoke and Carbon Monoxide (CO) detection. The Aico in the community team looks forward to getting involved in future local community projects. If you need assistance from the team please email community@aico.co.uk.

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