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Swim, Walk, Run, Bike – Aico Employees Rise to the Challenge

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16th October 2019

Aico are supporting Macmillan as their charity of the year 2019 and September through to the end of October saw over 20 members of staff take part in a number of sporting challenges to help raise much needed funds for the charity.

At the end of September, a group of Aico staff took in the stunning scenery of Shropshire on their bikes, as part of the Ludlow Cycling Festival. September also featured a watery event and on a beautiful sunny day a group took on the Coracle World Championships on the River Severn, Shrewsbury, with several other members of staff volunteering in the car parks and open areas as guides for the event.

During October, staff walked 16 miles around the spectacular Lake Windermere, Cumbria, and ran a hilly 10k in Oswestry, Shropshire.

Daniel Little, Regional Specification Manager for Aico who took part in the walk, commented “The day was a great opportunity to spend some quality time with my colleagues whilst raising money for a worthy cause. This shared experience provided the time for us all to get to know each other, build stronger relationships and have a laugh. All of which wasn’t dampened by the weather!”

Aico sponsored the 10k, which took place in Oswestry, Shropshire on Sunday 13th October, Alan Lewis, Organiser for the Oswestry 10k commented “I would like to mention that without the support given from local businesses and organisations all working together, this event would not be able to take place. It is down to all the volunteers, the sponsors, the local authorities and the people within our local community who are taking part in the 10k, that this event has been a great success. To sell out in the first year of organising this event for Oswestry, is a fantastic achievement for everyone and I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to Aico and everyone else who participated.”

Louise Reid, Marketing Executive for Aico, who completed her first ever 10k commented “This was my first ever 10k and it was an amazing experience for a great cause. It was a tough course, and in true Aico style, we got through it as a team!”

Aico would like to thank everyone who has sponsored its staff throughout the year to help them reach their fundraising target through a series of sporting challenges in 2019, there is more to come and to keep up to date please follow Aico on social media.

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