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Aico takes Fire Safety to UK stadiums

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
1st February 2019

At Aico, we believe that if we distribute Fire and Carbon Monoxide (CO) alarms, that it is also our responsibility to provide education to empower and inform our customers. So, this Autumn we hosted a Fire Safety UK stadium tour to provide extra support for our Registered Social Landlords (RSLs). The tour was aimed at providing RSLs with updates to legislation, information about how technologies can make Fire and CO protection more efficient and more reliable. It also gave them an opportunity to network and find out what people in similar roles are doing in their organisations.

After a networking breakfast, delegates were welcomed by Aico and taken through the core module of our CPD accredited Expert Installer training scheme. Everyone was then split into three groups to partake in a rotation of more focused sessions. In the first session we covered the new Gateway technology coming soon and how this could be implemented to save time and money. The second session focused on legislation updates that have either been proposed or are in the pipeline. The third session was run by a guest speaker from a Local Authority discussing how they manage their Sheltered Accommodation. This session opened up some great discussions between delegates, about how and why they do things a certain way within their organisations.

The delegates were given a code to join along with a brief explanation of what it is and how it works. Throughout the day they then could input questions for a wider question and answer session at the end of the day. Questions were answered by all of the day’s speakers in a closing panel discussion followed by an optional stadium tour.

What’s next?

These tours went down so well and filled up so quickly that we have now announced that we will be hosting a similar Fire Safety stadium tour next February! This time we will be going to different areas of the country to give more people a chance to attend. To check out the dates in your area and to sign up for free, visit our Eventbrite page.

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