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Sparky Ninja joins Aico TV for an exclusive mini-series

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23rd April 2021

It’s been 7 weeks since the official launch of Aico TV, and we have loved every minute of it! Each episode has been jam-packed with guests from every corner of the industry, and Episode 7 is no different!

This week, Alex and I host the episode from one of my favourite places at Aico headquarters – Ember Place. ‘What is Ember Place?’ I hear you ask. Well, it’s our unique, specially designed “bungalow”, which includes a kitchen, a sixties-style living room, and a futuristic bedroom. In a pre-covid world, Ember Place provided the perfect setting for teaching children about fire safety in the home – we hope to welcome schools back soon!

For our first segment, we are very lucky to be joined by popular YouTuber David Watts from Sparky Ninja. David uses his YouTube channel as an educational platform, on a mission to support and improve the standards of electrical training in the UK industry through courses and webinars. With Aico and SparkyNinja sharing the ethos of education, we were particularly excited to have David on Aico TV! Our Regional Specification Managers (RSMs), Carl Traynor and Andy Sturgess, join David for an in-depth discussion on courses, standards, regulations, installation certificates and much more. But that’s not all – I’m pleased to say that this is a four-part mini-series, and SparkyNinja will be joining us again next week.



Next up, our National Accounts Manager, Paul Cartwright, is joined by Lucy Cowell and Kevin Gutherson from Hertfordshire Fire and Rescue Service. As well as talking about their roles and how they contribute to fire prevention, they talk about the importance of community engagement and how sharing genius is critical for keeping residents safe. We are always looking for ways to support the Fire and Rescue Services, so it was great to have Lucy and Kevin in the studio and learn about the essential work they do for their communities.



When we return, we find Alex relaxing in the living room at Ember Place… but he takes a break from his newspaper to introduce the next segment. This week is Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Awareness Week, so we invited Laura Goodall, a local Stop MS Champion (and gold medalist Para-Equestrian!), to the studio. Alongside RSM, Dan Thomas, Laura shares the story of her diagnosis and discusses the charity, MS Society UK. She speaks of their plans to raise awareness of the condition and gives words of encouragement for others to start talking about Multiple Sclerosis.



This week’s FAQ is short and sweet but tells you everything you need to know! Our Technical Advisor, Indre, teaches us how to remove an Aico alarm from its base.

It’s time for us to bring the episode to a close – thank you to everyone who has tuned in to Aico TV so far. We are quickly approaching 500 subscribers, which is brilliant! If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do so here.

If you would like to appear on Aico TV or suggest a feature for a future episode, please email us at marketing@aico.co.uk.

See you next week for another eventful episode!

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