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Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Systems in Holiday Caravans and Park Homes

Written by:
Lisa Sadler
Posted On:
28th May 2024

This guidance note, written primarily for holiday caravan and park home manufacturers, supersedes all previous National Caravan Council guidance on fire detection and fire alarm systems in holiday caravans and park homes. It explains fire alarms for holiday caravans and park homes, helping to ensure everyone’s safety.


Fire Safety Rules: When Do They Apply?

Fire safety regulations apply to caravan parks themselves, ensuring proper fire safety measures are in place. However, these rules might not automatically extend to your caravan:

Renting Out Your Caravan: If you rent out your caravan for holidays, fire safety rules do apply. This ensures the safety of your guests and regulatory compliance.

Personal Use: The rules don’t apply if you use your caravan for personal holidays or as your main residence. However, it’s always best to prioritise safety by having proper fire alarm systems in place, regardless.


Choosing the Right Fire Alarm System

The recommended fire alarm system for holiday caravans and park homes is a Grade D1, Category LD2, system which means:

  • Grade D1: This indicates a mains-powered system with a tamper-proof battery backup, such as Aico’s 3000 Series alarms. The battery back up allows continued coverage in the event of mains absence.
  • Category LD2: This specifies the placement of alarms within the caravan.


These systems typically include:

  • Smoke detector in the hallway: This should be placed near bedroom doors, ideally within 3 meters, to ensure a timely warning if smoke reaches the sleeping areas.
  • Heat detector in the kitchen: Kitchens present a higher fire risk due to cooking.
  • Smoke detector in the living room: If your living room is separate from the kitchen, it should have its own smoke detector. However, if the area is open plan, a multi-sensor smoke/heat alarm can cover both areas.


Key Information

While these are recommended guidelines, it’s always best to follow them for the safety of yourself and anyone else using your caravan.

This information is based on regulations as of September 1st, 2022. It’s advisable to check for any updates to ensure compliance with the latest regulations.

Smoke detectors installed should conform to the BS EN 14604 standard, while heat detectors should adhere to BS 5446-2.

Having a well-functioning fire alarm system in your caravan can significantly improve everyone’s safety in the event of a fire. By following these recommendations and equipping your caravan with the appropriate alarms, you can create a much safer environment for yourself, your family, and any guests who might use your caravan.

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