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How Best To Gain Support From Residents For Property Access?

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27th September 2019

As part of the Resident Safety Campaign partnering with Inside Housing, we have explored the reasons why residents and leaseholders sometimes do not want to offer access to their property to allow management companies to undertake maintenance work and safety checks.

We want to ensure everyone is safe in their own home. Legally landlords must carry out safety checks on all properties, but it is not always easy to gain access. A whopping 500 million pounds has been spent over the last 10 years, to gain access to just 14,500 homes, when there are 4.1 million homes to keep safe. There are many reasons behind this such as tenants feeling unsure, language barriers to name a few. When checks are not done, the lives of the residents and neighbours could potentially become at risk. Between October 2016 and September 2017 1,375 homes did not receive a safety check.

It is clear that landlords need to work with residents and as part of the Resident Safety Campaign we have asked Housing Associations and Registered Social Landlords to share their best practice with us and how they engage with their residents.

Please keep up to date with the campaign by following us on all social media platforms with the hashtag #SaferHomes4All.

For more information about the campaign, please visit –

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