Learn all about the new Fire & CO Legislation changes in Northern Ireland.

The British Standard – Recommended Products

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
30th November 2020

BS 5839-6:2019 is the British Standard for domestic fire alarm installations and is a best practice guide, recommending what type of alarm should be installed within a property.

The standard defines various grades for installation within certain properties.


So, what grade of alarms are there for a property?

In British Standard BS 5839-6:2019 there are 4 grades of system; Grades A, C, D and F.

Here at Aico, we manufacture and supply Grade D and F alarms.


Grade D systems are mains powered combined detectors and sounders which have a battery back-up. In the latest version of BS 5839-6:2019 Grade D has been split into 2 new grades, D1 and D2.

– Grade D1 alarms are mains powered with a tamperproof, rechargeable battery back-up, such as our 3000 Series.

– Grade D2 alarms are mains powered with a user-replaceable battery back-up, such as our 140RC Series.


Grade F systems are battery powered alarms with a combined sensor and sounder. Just like the mains powered alarms, Grade F alarms have been split into 2 different grades F1 and F2.

– Grade F1 are battery powered alarms with the battery being tamperproof and lasting the life of the alarm, such as in our 600 Series (Ei650 and Ei603).

– Grade F2 alarms are battery powered with a replaceable battery, such as in our 100 Series, Ei100BNX and 600 Series Ei603CRF.


So, what grade of alarm do I need in my property?

This will depend on a couple of factors… if your property is rented or privately owned and if it is new/materially altered or existing.

If a property is being rented and is new/materially altered or existing, the British Standard recommends Grade D1 alarms such as the Ei3016 Optical smoke alarm and Ei3014 Heat alarm.

If a property is new/materially altered and is privately owned, you are recommended to install Grade D2 alarms such as the Ei146RC Optical smoke alarm and Ei144RC Heat alarm.

When a property is privately owned and is existing, meaning no work has been carried out in the last year to materially alter the property the standard allows for the installation of Grade F2 alarms such as the Ei100BNX Ionisation smoke alarms and Ei603C Heat alarm.

However, if there’s any doubt regarding the suitability of the alarms i.e. changing the batteries of the units, then Grade F1 alarms should be installed such as the Ei650 Optical smoke alarm and Ei603 Heat alarm.


By Owen

Owen enjoys walking and football, supporting Liverpool FC.

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