Learn all about the new Fire & CO Legislation changes in Northern Ireland.

Connect everything, including your Fire alarms and Carbon Monoxide alarms

Why deal with increased complexity, risk and cost with many separate individual products when you can have it all on one platform?

Full circle protection with the 3000 Series

Our advanced 3000 Series offers ‘full circle’ protection, with the ability to detect both fire and carbon monoxide (CO), combined with the simplicity of specifying a whole property from a single product range.

The 3000 Series includes a range of multi-sensor and single-sensor alarms, including:

  • Ei3030 – Fire and CO multi-sensor
  • Ei3028 – Heat and CO multi-sensor
  • Ei3024 – Optical smoke and heat multi-sensor
  • Ei3018 – CO alarm
  • Ei3016 – Optical smoke alarm
  • Ei3014 – Heat alarm

Making installation smarter with the Ei3000MRF Module

The unique Ei3000MRF Module eliminates tricky cable runs and enables wireless interconnection with other 3000 Series alarms – expanding an existing alarm system has never been easier.

Plus, when one alarm is triggered, all other interconnected alarms will sound for greater audibility throughout the property, improving resident safety and enabling a faster response to a fire- or CO-related hazard.

Simply plug the Ei3000MRF into any 3000 Series alarm for instant compatibility.

For the installation of alarms and environmental sensors, scan the device’s QR code via the SmartLINK app and follow the simple step-by-step instructions. There must be a Gateway installed to provide communication to the HomeLINK Portal.

Smart, connected and future-proof.

A Gateway to a Connected, Safer Home

The Ei3000MRF also enables remote data monitoring via the Gateway, an innovative and award-winning connected home solution, designed to create healthier, safer homes.

It extracts information from the fire and carbon monoxide alarms and sends it seamlessly to the HomeLINK Portal. Drill deeper into the detail using various reporting tools to get to the heart of your properties’ fire and carbon monoxide alarm system performance – allowing you to comply with legislation whilst creating safer homes for residents. With easy access to this information, forecasting alarm replacement and maintenance is easier, with handy reporting tools which help you to stay compliant with the latest legislation.

But it doesn’t stop at fire and carbon monoxide alarms; the HomeLINK Portal provides data from all connected devices, including our environmental sensors. With a single location for joined-up management of your assets, maintaining data is simpler, management is easier and maintenance is more efficient.

With HomeLINK, there is no siloed data, instead, you have access to a 360-degree view of your property portfolio.


















Interested in the HomeLINK Connected Home Solution?

Get in touch with one of our experts to find out more.

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