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Aico Secures Two Finalist Positions at the Business Culture Awards

Written by:
Louise Cowling
Posted On:
18th September 2020

Aico are pleased to announce they have secured two finalist positions at the Business Culture Awards this year.

The Business Culture Awards give forward-thinking organisations a way to celebrate work which sets up their employees to succeed – recognising how their people’s employment experience is fundamental to business performance. Many organisations have created and implemented specific projects which have a positive impact on aspects of their culture – increasing purpose, pride, collaboration or learning by example.

Aico are finalists in the ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR) category, for their ‘Aico in the Community’ initiative. This CSR programme was formed in 2018 to support schools, colleges, charities and community organisations.

Neal Hooper, Managing Director at Aico commented “We are delighted to have secured finalist positions at the Business Culture Awards 2020. Aico in the Community was developed to give back to communities and to help make a difference. We are a strong company and very fortunate to be in a position to dedicate time and resources to support charities and organisations. We understand the pressures that charities, businesses and schools are under and how important it is that they get the support they need. It’s about doing good. Our CSR programme is very much led from the top – our culture, our values, behaviours and ways of working are apparent, all colleagues are keen to get involved, volunteering their time to support CSR projects and helping raise funds for chosen charities.”

Working Environment & Workplace Design is the second category Aico have been placed as finalists in at the Business and Culture Awards. With Aico celebrating a significant milestone this year, their 30th Anniversary, it was important for Aico to show the growth and development of the company and how they have overcome challenges. With Aico moving into a new headquarters in November 2019, a key component of the new building was to ensure the workplace was person-centred with employee health and well being at the forefront. Aico colleagues were involved in the design process and had input into the well-being features such as the gym and games room.

For more information on the Business Culture Awards and to see the finalists be announced on Wednesday 25th November, please visit:

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