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Aico takes on Derwen College to Lapland Challenge

Written by:
Alex Garmston
Posted On:
21st December 2020

In support of the Derwen College Charity and the Agnes Hunt Village Project, Aico colleagues, both locally and across the UK, took part in the DC to Lapland Challenge.

The Derwen College Charity was set up in support of the students at Derwen College with disabilities and learning difficulties. The College has provided education and care for students for over 90 years, aiding them to live more independent lives. All their fundraising efforts are put towards specialist equipment and opportunities for the students enabling them to reach their full potential and develop their independence skills.

In 2019 the charity launched a project to develop the Agnes Hunt Village, a custom-built housing area, utilised by those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The village is essential for the students, enabling them to develop their everyday skills such as housekeeping and caring for themselves. However, in order to provide this real-life education to as many students as possible for their life after college, the village needs to be modernised.

The December challenge was to cover the distance from Derwen College in Gobowen to Lapland in 10 days from 01st to the 10th December, by walking, running, cycling or any other way of covering miles with physical activity. Everyone who took part recorded their mileage through Strava which meant that each daily challenge was monitored, the mileage recorded and automatically added to the total effort.

Over 20 Aico colleagues, alongside 30 members of staff, including the students and their families, took on this virtual challenge to make it the whole 1,989 miles to reach Lapland.

Aico’s campaign was able to raise £325 for the event, helping Derwen College to reach a total of £1,700 to be put towards the critical education they provide.

Anna Evans, Fundraiser at Derwen College commented “Congratulations to all Aico staff who took part in the very first DC-Lapland Challenge 2020, we have made it to Lapland! Thank you so much for taking part in this event, you have been amazing. It’s hard to imagine us ever getting to Lapland without your help.”

For more information or to donate, please visit the Derwen College to Lapland Challenge fundraising page here: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/fundraiser-display/showROFundraiserPage?pageId=1218936

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